A Masterclass in Recovery for Faith Leaders

Sean · February 20, 2023

Join us in this timely masterclass for faith leaders to learn about addiction and recovery support.

Addiction impacts 1 in 3 American households. In 2021, the CDC reported the highest number of fatal drug overdoses yet, with 106,000 persons in the U.S. who died from a preventable drug-involved overdose.

The reality is that there are not enough basic life-saving programs and services to address the mounting need in Nevada. The gap in services and the increased need has brought organizations, agencies, and communities together to offer solutions and help.

According to the 2018 Nevada Church Health Partnership Survey, addiction was identified as

“the most important health issue facing one’s congregation or community.”

Places of worship are the center of support for many communities. There are an estimated 380,000 churches in the United States compared to about 185 syringe exchange programs and 175+ recovery community centers. Now imagine if basic life-saving and community recovery supports were available at every place of worship. We might be able to finally start changing the course on this issue.

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3 Courses

+17 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons
  • 5 Topics